SocNetV v1.6 released with a working web crawler

SocNetV: Social Network Analysis and Visualization Software

SocNetV v1.6 released with a working web crawler

The SocNetV project has just released its latest version 1.6. Binaries for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are available from the Downloads menu.

The new version brings back the web crawler feature which has been disabled in the 1.x series so far.

To start the web crawler, go to menu Network > Web Crawler or press Shift+C.

A dialog will appear, where you must enter the initial web page (seed). You may also set the maximum nodes/pages (default 600) and what kind of links to crawl: internal, external or both.  By default the spider will crawl both internal and external links.


The new web crawler is vastly improved from the 0.x releases and consists of two parts: a 'spider' and a 'parser', each one running on its own thread.

The spider visits a given initial URL (i.e. a website or a single webpage) and downloads its HTML code. The parser scans the downloaded code for 'href' links to other pages (internal or external) and adds them to a queue of URLs (called frontier).

As URLs are added in the queue, the spider visits them and downloads their HTML which is scanned for more links by the parser, and so on...

The process is multithreaded and completed in a matter of seconds even for 1000 urls.

The end result is the 'network' of all visited webpages as nodes and their real links as edges. To help you find some patterns right away, the nodes are by default displayed with their node sizes reflecting their outDegree.


From there, you can analyze the network using the SNA tools provided by SocNetV.

Please note that the parser searches for 'href' links only in the body section of the HTML code.


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SocNetV Features

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  • Easy User Interface

    Navigate yourself and use the application either with the mouse or the keyboard.

  • File Formats

    Load and save to GraphML, but you can also import most network file formats (GML, Pajek, UCINET, GraphViz, Adjacency, EdgeList etc).

  • Network analysis

    Compute distances, eccentricity, connectedness, clique census, triad census, and Prominence indices (i.e. eigenvector, betweenness and information centrality, promixity prestige, pagerank and more)

  • Visualization

    Apply intuitive visualization layouts on undirected/directed graphs, based on prominence scores or force-directed models.

  • Famous networks

    Automatically recreate known social network datasets such as Padgett's Families

  • Random networks

    Create random networks using one of the supported models (scale-free, Erdős–Rényi, lattice, small worlds)

  • Web Crawler

    Easily visualize and analyze networks of linked web pages and sites through the built-in web crawler.

  • Multi-relational

    Work with multiple relations concurrently. SocNetV supports loading, editing and saving multirelational social networks.

  • Documentation

    Learn to work with SocNetV and make use of Social Network Analysis methods by reading our Manual

  • Free Software

    SocNetV is Free and Open-Source Software, use it everywhere. Have a feature request? Ask us!

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